Smithsonian Institution’s National Zoo is the latest site to begin installing Flexi-Pave on a large scale. In 2012, Flexi-Pave was installed at the newly refurbished Elephant House courtyard. Following that, the long awaited Conservation Carousel was built adjacent to the Lion & Tiger exhibit. All the paving in the Elephant House courtyard and around the carousel, totaling almost 10,000 square feet was poured with Flexi-Pave. Flexi-Pave was chosen for it’s intrinsic properties including stormwater retention, LEED, LID, ADA compatibility and recycled materials. The Elephant House courtyard and the Carousel are both now open to the public so stroll on down the Olmestead walk and kick the proverbial tires of the Zoo’s latest additions.
National Zoo Elephant House Plans 1
National Zoo Elephant House Plans 2