from Urban Forestry Administration
Director, said…
“I went out after a downpour. The concrete next to [the Flexi-Pave] had standing water, puddles, but there wasn’t a drop of water anywhere on the Flexi-Pave. …We’ve reached a point where [plain soil] doesn’t work, and there isn’t really any other option right now. This [Flexi-Pave] is the only thing we can do to ensure there can be trees on Georgetown’s commercial corridor.“
from ANC 6B
Comissioner, said…
“ANC 6B recognizes that there are benefits to the appropriate use of Flexi-Pave and will assist DDOT by suggesting locations where Flexi-Pave might be installed to solve existing problems and prevent ones from occurring.“
from Lockheed Martin
Senior Spokesperson, said…
“Our facility management and operations team designed a one-half mile wellness walkway that was dedicated to our employees [in] April 2012. With Flexi-Pave material as the base, the sidewalk was set within one or two days. Lockheed Martin employees have embraced the [Flexi-Pave] walkway, especially its design and shock-absorbing material.“
from City of Alexandria
Park Planner, said…
“the [Flexi-Pave] trail is located in a resource protection area, which means the department wasn’t allowed to install more concrete or another impervious surface. Now, rainwater trickles straight through the surface and into the ground below. It’s environmentally sensitive in two ways. It’s pervious and it’s using recycled materials, so we thought it would be a good match for the park.“
from Country Club at Woodmore
Brandon Collins, Golf Course Operations Superintendent, said…
“In a time when we are all trying our best to go ‘green’, the Club decided that Flexi-pave would be the perfect solution to our bridge problem… …We are all happy with the work and final product. It’s a huge improvement over what we had before.“
from DDOT
Senior Project Manager, said…
“It [a local tree surround] is actually a good thing and it has been a test site with a new material that is on the market called Flexi-pave. This is a permeable surface made out of old rubber tires that is able to withstand heavy foot traffic and tree roots can grow right under it. What you are witnessing is probably its best feature in that it can be poured right up to the trunk of the tree without damaging the tree or compacting the soil. Say what!? You heard me right. So the next time you are in that area, celebrate the awesomeness of Flexi-pave.“
from Disabled Veterans’ LIFE Memorial Foundation
Senior Project Executive, said…
“Board members and “visitors” very impressed with the mockup… [and a Veteran] triple amputee gave it a good workout with his motorized wheelchair.“
from Arlington National Cemetery
Senior ANC Official, said…
“The leadership here is thrilled to see the new [Flexi-Pave] sidewalk going in!“
from Country Club at Woodmore
Brandon Collins, Golf Course Operations Superintendent, said…
“We are all happy with the work and final product. It’s a huge improvement over what we had before.“